Dr Jacques Mizrahi

Independant Board member

Jacques brings over 20 years of experience in R&D of major pharmaceutical companies (Glaxo, E. Lilly and Roche), and 10 years of advisory roles as Venture Partner for different VCs and SAB member of several newly created biotechs in Europe and USA.

Jacques has developed new programs of research in the area of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, including complications (e.g ophthalmology and renal). At Roche, Jacques has led several programs in clinical research and exploratory medicine, advancing clinical candidates from preclinical research programs up to proof of concept in clinics, using translational medicine approaches. 

Jacques was trained in both France and Canada (University of Sciences/Medical School, Sherbrooke-Canada) and has completed his postdoctoral training at Inserm U36/Hospital Broussais (Paris-France) before joining pharmaceutical industry.